Does anybody else feel the same as I do at this point?

So let’s see:

we can’t afford to fund DACA,
we can’t afford to help our DREAMERS,
we can’t afford to fund ACA OBAMACARE!


We can sure afford
to destroy the
Arctic by drilling for oil
which we know is not there…
and in the meantime knowing
that will ONLY be
giving all Wildlife an
eviction notice!

How does that make you feel?

I am a
Wildlife activist and it
angers me to no end!

Not only that but we can also
afford to go back in outer
space again!

America, WHAT are your
priorities when it comes to
Its time for our officials
to get personal!

deserve to know where they stand personally
and why?

We do not want a cookie cutter answer!


Quite interesting indeed… are you ready for a laugh?


After spending a little time on facebook "explaining" TRUMP’S failures with PROOF of such, all they could say is – You sure need some help. Hope you had a merry Christmas. And a Happy New Year. ROFLMFAO! REALLY?

SERIOUSLY? I am not the 1 supporting a fake President who supports racism, pedofiles, lies every other Tweet, starts Twitter wars with WE THE PEOPLE – mainly minorities at that, and you DO KNOW that he could give 2 fucks about anybody else but himself, right? If you only knew what we know about the inside, you would probably be thanking us for taking a stand for you too – but maybe we should just sit back and point and laugh when you get fucked over too! It’s coming – you just deny it!

Or lets address drilling for oil in the ARCTIC – lmfao – the idiot doesn’t realize that has been attempted before and failed MISERABLY! But then again it gives him an excuse to allow trophy hunting of wildlife!

Or we could commend him for reinventing Merry Christmas – which NEVER went away to begin with! OR we could support him for his major fuck up with the France Climate Accord – which the USA is the ONLY nation NOT INVOLVED! Is that called #MAGA?

Or, what about the mess he has caused to worsen in the MIDEAST now… hey are you winning yet? I could go on and maybe I should – but you’ll do what every other Trump supporter does,stick your head in his ass!

Let’s see – did you know that his TAXSCAM will raise YOUR taxes in only 2 years? They will DOUBLE! Oh, and what does drilling in the Arctic have to do with taxes in the first place?

Trust me – if it were Killary or Bernie doing the same bullshit, I’d be all over them too! Trump is taking credit for OBAMA’s economy! HIS economy just took over in November and so far is on a downward spiral! The stock market is controlled by the GOP NOT the ordinary American!

And then there was this bullshit:

"I am proud to have led the charge against the assault of our cherished and beautiful phrase."

WTF? People never STOPPED saying this you idiot!
What’s next – war on NEW YEARS?
What else will you TRY to take credit for, and fail at?

In closing I can only imagine what it’s like to STILL be saying: BUT HER EMAILS!!!!!!!

PS – Happy Holidays you idiot!


Hey @realDonaldTrump @GOP @marcorubio and the REST of the #dotard idiots

Matthew 25:35-40New International Version (NIV)

35 For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in, 36 I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me, I was in prison and you came to visit me.’

37 “Then the righteous will answer him, ‘Lord, when did we see you hungry and feed you, or thirsty and give you something to drink?38 When did we see you a stranger and invite you in, or needing clothes and clothe you? 39 When did we see you sick or in prison and go to visit you?’

40 “The King will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.’


Israel or Great Britain?!?

I love all the people who like brag about how Trump is standing up to terrorism, but neglects our OWN terrorists aka @NRA… then they claim that if it were not for them, the #2A wouldn’t mean anything! Huh? The @NRA has PERVERTED it in the first place! They continue to support him at all costs, saying he is our president so he deserves our respect!UM, NO! SORRY BUT HE HAS TO EARN IT! Keep reading…

The #trumptards #dotards #reptards NRA minion just don’t see anything wrong with how Trump is intervening aka INTERFERING in the MIDDLE EAST right now – calling Israel our MAJOR ally – no pay attention because there is more to it:
Although I do not really care for Wiki – once in a while they have good info to share – like this: Israel is one of the United States’ two original major non-NATO allies in the Middle East. Late Republican Senator Jesse Helms used to call Israel "America’s aircraft carrier in the Middle East", when explaining why the United States viewed Israel as such a strategic ally, saying that the military foothold in the region offered by the Jewish State alone justified the military aid that the United States grants Israel every year.

So in closing, this is for the individuals who are STILL defending what @POTUS is doing/causing in the process by trying to protect Israel:



for facebook












Why am I STILL anti Trump?

1.The United States is the only nation not involve with the Paris climate act now. He has NO compassion for the planet in any way, shape, form! This includes wildlife – please don’t even get me started there!

2.Yes the ACA has its flaws but every single insurance carrier does the EXACT same thing. Remember the Blue Cross Blue Shield in the early 90’s? But, it boils down to ANOTHER $ issue controlled by a careless government plan! The ACA was in MANY ways a game changer for so many people! Now those SAME people, may end up worse off then they were BEFORE the ACA!

3. It’s no secret: Illegal immigrants is a BIG problem! BUT, the keyword is ILLEGAL! I get the feeling Trump thinks ALL IMMIGRANTS are illegal! But, yes Trump is correct when he says we need better border control – that’s been a known fact for MANY years! But building a wall, is NOT the answer! Especially when it went from A: Mexico will pay for the wall to B: there will be a special budget just for the wall to C: It will be paid for via a "hidden" tax scam – which means WE THE PEOPLE in the long run! Plus he is wrong with how he is going about doing it and other countries and nations are showing him just how wrong he is now! 1 bad apple don’t spoil the whole bunch!

4. Trump brags about the stock market but what he PURPOSELY forgets to mention is who controls the stock market right now! I will give you a hint, check the gas prices! The stock market is no longer a direct indication of the economy! If it was, how can there be yet ANOTHER budget crisis?

5. Officials predict his tax gaffe will only lead to an even larger deficit in the future. History proves this is a fact.

6. He has turned democracy into a family affair, let alone a joke! The world is pointing at us and laughing behind our backs! Not only that, but just how many different wars is this idiot trying to start? That includes TWITTER wars!

7. The NRA bought him out and he returns the favor by refusing to get serious about sensible gun control laws. But he will send you thoughts & prayers! Now about the flag… he has NO clue! But what do you expect from a draft dodger?

8. LAST BUT NOT LEAST: Anybody who supports pedophiles or molesters or sexual predators, racists, white supremacists (NAZIS) as an authority figure, or is anti LGBT and GLBT or anything like that is the REAL problem America has to deal with!
